Top 10 – Health tips for the office

Spending 8 hours or more of your day in office? Then you should definitely be reading this!
Top 10 health tips for the office
A commitment to health has to be a 24-hour thing. And with so many of us spending the majority of our day at work, we cannot ignore the health pitfalls that come with being in an office. Follow these health tips and make your workplace a healthier place to be in.

1. Keep walking. Sitting in front of the computer for hours on end is nothing short of a modern-day curse. It’s bad for your posture, bad for your blood circulation, bad for your eyes and in general bad news all round. Combat this by making it a point to get up off your desk once every hour and going for a short stroll around the office. If you can, get a couple of full body stretches in as well!
2. Drink water. It’s easy to forget to drink the required 2 litres of water a day when you’re at work. Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep a 1 or 2 bottle of water on your desk and keep sipping from it with an aim to finish it by the end of the day.
3. Blink! Staring at a computer screen all day can cause your eyes to get tired and dry. Try this to ensure that your eyes don’t dry out: Every half an hour or so, very slowly blink your eyes 10 times.
4. Ergonomics are important. The height of your desk and chair should be designed keeping ergonomic principles in mind, to avoid back and neck aches.
5. Take a break from coffee breaks. There’s something about offices that makes people go to the coffee machine over and over again. Studies show that too much caffeine intake can be quite harmful, leading to acidity, dehydration and fatigue. Limit your coffee breaks to one or two a day and find other methods to take a break – walking over to a friend for a spot of office gossip maybe?
6. Healthy snacking. Say no to those samosas, chips and colas when you’re feeling peckish. Instead, carry fruits and nuts with you that you can munch every time you feel like a snack.
7. Temperature difference. Walking in from the hot outdoors to a cold air-conditioned workplace might feel soothing, but it can be quite unhealthy. Give your body a few minutes to get used to the temperature difference by standing in the lobby instead.
8. If you’re sick, stay at home! Don’t be a hero and come in to work if you have a contagious disease. Your boss would rather have you take a day off than spread your disease to everyone else at work.
9. Natural light and ventilation. When designing an office, try and ensure you’re making use of all the natural light and air possible.
10. Happy workplace. Nobody enjoys working in a tense atmosphere all the time. If you’re in a managerial or leadership position of some sort, make sure you keep the environment positive and cheerful. It not just makes your employees happier, but also more productive.

1 comment:

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